The following must be disposed of as waste.
- Waste toner collection containers (must be securely contained in a bag or box prior to disposal)
- Printer maintenance cartridges
New/unused cartridges and components
UW Recycling collects unused cartridges and components as part of a Boxed recyclables pickup. Alternatively, you can send them to Surplus.
Step 1: Prepare your items
Option 1: Place the used item in a cardboard box. Write recycle on the box.
Option 2: Place the used item in a clear plastic bag and tie it off.
Step 2: Item pickup
Option 1: Take the printer/copier cartridges and components to a nearby collection location.
Option 2: If you are in a building without a designated toner collection location, you can request a boxed recyclables pickup. UW Recycling requires a minimum of 6 boxes of large toner cartridges or 1 storage box (Bankers box) full of small cartridges to be eligible for this service.
Collection locations
Toner cartridge collection locations
on the Campus Sustainability Map
Other resources
Recycle cartridges through a manufacturer’s recycling program or through Office Depot by using their free cartridge collection boxes.
Manufacturers with recycling programs
Office Depot
The Office Depot free collection boxes come with pre-paid shipping labels and can be ordered online through Procurement Services (#621-558 for inkjet boxes and #650-988 for laser toner boxes). Seal the used cartridge in the box from the new cartridge before placing in the Office Depot boxes.