Public maps can be found in alphabetical order in the table below. Click the “OPEN THE MAP” button to the right of any map name to open the map in a new tab.

Map name Link
Access Guide Open the map
Benches Open the map
Bike Lockers Open the map
Bike Racks Open the map
Bike Rooms Open the map
Bollards Open the map
Buildings Open the map
Campus Memorials & Trees of Distinction Open the map
Charging Stations Open the map
Dial a Ride Open the map
Loading Zones Open the map
Motorcycle Parking Open the map
Snow Removal Open the map
Trees Open the map
Trees: Salvage Wood Program Open the map

If you have any questions or comments about the maps on this dashboard or if you are interested in starting a GIS project, please send an email to the UW Facilities GIS team and we will be happy to assist you.