The mission of the Capital Planning Advisory Team (CPAT) is to enliven the comprehensive capital planning strategy for the University, with the goal of balancing competing needs and centering on accessible and inclusive spaces and places while defining and working to:

  • Reduce deferred maintenance backlog to a manageable level;
  • Enable functional, beautiful space from renovation and replacement;
  • Review growth projects, such as net new square feet and public private partnerships to ensure alignment with University mission; and
  • Deliver a prioritized Five-Year Capital Budget with equity, inclusion, accessibility, sustainability, and financial sustainability at its center.

The work of the team is to:

  1. Review major unit and interdisciplinary capital needs and prioritize projects, as advisory to the Provost and President.
  2. Ensure that policy guidelines have been met, funding plans are complete and sound, shared common good spaces and assets are prioritized, and maintenance and operations plans are complete and sound.
  3. Advise the Provost and President as to what projects should be advanced as part of the University’s Five-Year Capital Budget, presented to the Board of Regents for action every spring.

The CPAT’s scope is limited to major capital projects over $10 million, including renovation, replacement, and public private partnerships on the University of Washington’s campuses. Though the CPAT will convene on an ongoing basis, the executive office will review the charge and membership to allow for updates based on evolving needs and emerging strategies.


Phase I Capital Needs Proposal form

The Phase I Capital Needs Proposal form is now available. Units interested in submitting their capital needs to the CPAT for consideration must first submit this initial request form, which will be forwarded to UW Facilities Asset Management. 

This step gives notice of all potential requests and allows the university to prioritize resources to assist in the development of projects that can best align with the university’s highest priority needs as outlined in the scoring criteria below. Projects may then receive assistance from UWF Asset Management, Treasury, Office of Planning and Budgeting, and Advancement. Projects greater than $25M that are recommended from Phase I will develop a Phase II Capital Project Proposal Application. Units should read the Capital planning guidelines (pdf) prior to submission.

Submit a Phase I Capital Needs Proposal