Latex paint
Full or partially full cans/buckets
Keep the paint in its original container with the lid tightly sealed and schedule a Chemical Collection with Environmental Health & Safety.

Garbage dumpster
Small amounts

Garbage dumpster
Use kitty litter or vermiculite to absorb the paint and then place the open container in your building’s garbage dumpster.
Empty cans/buckets
A paint can is considered “empty” when it has less than 1/2 inch of paint in it. Open the can to allow the paint to dry, and then place the open, dry container in your building’s garbage dumpster.
Oil-based paint
Avoid the use of oil-based paint. It requires the use of hazardous solvents and is not recyclable. Any leftover oil-based paint must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Keep the paint in its original container with the lid tightly sealed and schedule a Chemical Collection with Environmental Health & Safety.