Download a poster

UW Recycling encourages customers to purchase and recycle pipette tip boxes and trays through a vendor with its own recycling program (see below). If you are unable to recycle your pipette tip boxes and trays through the manufacturer, please dispose of your pipette tip boxes as mixed recycling and pipette tip trays as garbage.

What is acceptable in recycling

See the instructional poster (pdf) for examples.

  • Rigid boxes
  • Lightweight boxes
  • Box lids

What is not acceptable in recycling

The following items should be placed in the garbage or recycled through the manufacturer.

  • Pipettes or pipette tips
  • Pipette tip trays

Manufacturers with recycling programs

Please contact UW Recycling for more information if needed.

green lab certification logo

Do you know about the UW’s Green Lab certification? Check out their list of eco-friendly products and vendors.