Design Standard webpage last updated: February 25, 2025

The Facilities Design Standard (FDS) is a collaboration between UW Facilities and various campus Process Partners, and it is intended for use by design, construction, and maintenance professionals to facilitate the design, construction, and maintenance of University facilities and assets. These standards represent proven systems that are based on life cycle cost analysis, and provide functional facilities and systems that satisfy the University’s Best Practice requirements for efficient operation and maintenance.

These design standards and standard specifications are to be adhered to and incorporated into all project and maintenance contracts, for all types of contract delivery methods. Any deviations to these standards shall be vetted through a documented resolution process and approved by a representative from UW Facilities senior leadership, prior to the completion of project design documents or maintenance contracts.

FDS Organization and Use

Each FDS section contains Design and Standard Drawing concepts; standard specifications are included when a specific system and/or product is preferred because of spare parts inventories, prior experiences of the University, staff training on sophisticated equipment and/or to match existing systems, just to name a few. Standard Detail Drawings are intended to be used as shown or with slight modifications, modifications should be reviewed with the University Representative or Engineering Services prior to implementing. Implementation of the FDS is a collaborative process where flexibility, openness, and forward thinking are encouraged.

The FDS, Drawings and Specifications are complementary and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by any others. Should the FDS, drawings, specifications and/or other instructions be contradictory in any manner, or should there be apparent errors in any, or should there be doubt as to the meaning of any, the Contractor shall refer the matter to the Owner whose decision thereon shall be conclusive and at no additional cost.

FDS Disclaimer

The FDS is not intended to replace codes, manufacturer’s installation directions, or professional architectural and engineering design analyses. Reference to codes, guides, or standard specifications of any Institute, Society or other organization or to any manufacturer’s installation directions, shall be the latest edition thereof, unless laws, ordinances, rules or regulations require compliance with a specific edition, in which case the reference shall be to such edition.

Consultants and/or contractors shall conduct their own independent evaluations and are liable for the final design. Any errors and omissions by the consultants and/or contractors for not following the FDS is at the responsibility of the associated party.

This document is copyrighted by the University of Washington. Use of this document for University of Washington official business is permitted - contact Engineering Services to request approval for any other purposes.  Do not reproduce any part of this document that contains the University name or logo.

UW Medical Center Projects

Refer to UW Medical Center specs for all UWMC projects. The UW Medical Center Project Specifications should be approved by UWMC prior to use.

Additional University design guides

Design Standard Feedback

Thank you for taking time to send in feedback about the UW Facilities Design Standard. Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch if we have follow up questions for you.