Outdoor events & reservations
The University has many outside spaces that can be used for special events. To make sure that there are no conflicts with times and dates, and to ensure the facility’s basic function is protected, it is necessary that each event be approved by an academic or administrative unit and by the Committee on the Use of University Facilities (UUF).
Weddings, banquets, fun runs, pep rallies, luncheons, plays, open houses, displays and art shows are just some of the events that have been held on the campus grounds. Individual tabling without amplified sound for faculty, staff and students are not classified as special events, and therefore not required to go through the UUF process; tabling fairs with multiple tables and organizations would be required to follow the process.
Some of the more popular spaces include Grieg Garden, Sylvan Theater, the Quad, Red Square, HUB Lawn, and Drumheller Fountain.