UWF Safety
UWF Safety is staffed by: Tracey Mosier, Chris Pennington and Ron Fouty, who are Facilities employees but work closely with campus partners such as EH&S, UWMC, HFS, etc. UW Facilities is dedicated to promoting and supporting the university’s efforts to protect human health, safety, and the environment. The Facilities Safety Director develops, implements and updates Facilities safety policies and procedures, and works with Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) to assure Facilities complies with all relevant regulations and UW policies. The information is provided for Facilities employees, Leads, Supervisors, Managers, and Directors to assure they and their employees follow policies and procedures and comply with regulations.
Department and unit safety staff
Facilities departments and units with higher risk work tasks have their own internal safety staff that report to the Senior Leader within the department or unit. These safety staff support their Senior Leaders in fulfilling their responsibilities for workplace safety.
- Building Services - Mike Nguyen (Interim)
- Campus Energy, Utilities and Operations - Anne Donegan
- Engineering Services - Lucas Cusack
- Maintenance & Construction
- Campus Maintenance (Shops 10, 18, 20, 23, 24, and 34) - Ron Fouty
- Facilities Maintenance & Construction - Tracey Mosier & Chris Pennington (both interim)
- Project Delivery Group - Greg Dufel
- Regulated Materials - Saeid Rastegar
- Transportation - Mariann Thompson
- Fleet Services - Daniel Eden
- All other Facilities Departments and Units not listed above - UWF Safety
UW Facilities Safety Team
UW Facilities holds a Safety Team Meeting on the last Tuesday of every month to review Monthly Meeting Topics to prepare representatives for their monthly Shop Meeting and discuss relevant safety topics/issues that affect all Facilities employees. Minutes are produced from these meetings and sent to Safety Team Members and Leadership. These minutes should be posted on the Shop Bulletin board.
These minutes should be reviewed and discussed as part of all unit level monthly Shop Meetings along with the monthly meeting topics.
UW Facilities Group 2 Health & Safety Committee
The UW Facilities Group 2 Health & Safety Committee meets monthly to review safety topics and issues for all UW Facilities. Each department or unit is represented along with members of UW EH&S. The committee also meets to review the status and resolution of the monthly OARS accident reports. This is the regulatory required Safety Committee