Work Safe / Home Safe

Have you noticed that recent email from the UWF safety staff includes the tagline Work Safe/Home Safe?

The Work Safe/Home Safe tagline is a way to remind us all that when we plan and perform work safely, we go home unharmed. It also reminds us that staying safe at home is as important as being safe on the job.

Working safely is becoming a more important part of the UWF culture every year. BSD has developed a national reputation for their efforts in improving ergonomics and all of our units are improving their hazard evaluation and awareness.

The Work Safe/Home Safe tagline also reminds each of us the important elements of a shared safety culture:

  • Each of us is valued for who we are in addition to what we do
  • Eliminating incidents is a commitment we renew and not just a goal
  • We believe that all incidents are preventable
  • Our safety culture is about relationships, not just statistics.  We all take the opportunity to build trust, share concerns, coach, learn and build relationships
  • We look for ways to continually improve our programs, tools, attitudes and shared safety culture

Why does this matter?

You are important to the people in your life.  When you are injured, it affects your family and your coworkers. Together we support the mission of UWF and the University and individually we support our families and loved ones.  When you cannot come to work, it affects everyone who cares about and depends on you.

Each of us chooses to make safer choices for a different reason.  Whether your reason to stay safe is playing with your kids, grandkids, or pets, exercise, enjoying outdoor activities, or simply being able to drive yourself somewhere you want to go and getting around independently, a serious injury puts any of that in jeopardy.

Why do YOU make safer choices?

When you see the new tagline we hope it reminds you to commit to thinking about safety in all aspects of your life, both at work and at home. Your family, friends and co-workers are depending on it.