Survey FAQ

Why are we doing this? 

We believe in working towards a more equitable and inclusive workplace. Training is part of the solution (though not all of it), and we are working to offer learnings and trainings that help us grow and learn about the diversity within our workplace. In order to know the impact our trainings are having, we need to find a way to measure how UW Facilities Staff experience working here, and how that changes over time. This survey will help us measure our progress. 

What will you do with the data? 

The raw data will be posted to the Partner Resources webpage on Race, equity, and diversity for complete transparency, even if the results are unflattering.  

The information will then be used by the Training Center to guide decisions about training and learnings meant to tackle and address these issues. By making the data public, the information will also be available to other working groups and leaders across UW Facilities to help guide other, non-training related initiatives.  

Is the survey anonymous? 

Yes. This survey is completely anonymous. No identifying information is collected. 

Do I need to log in with my NetID to take this survey? 

No. All you need is to click on the link. 

Do I have to take this survey? 

No, this survey is voluntary. We hope you will take the time to do it, because your voice matters. But you are not required to do so. 

How long will it take me to complete the survey? 

It should only take a few moments. The survey is short by design. Our goal is to get a frequent stream of information about how UWF staff experience working here, and so we deliberately choose to ask fewer questions, but ask them of you more frequently. 

How often will I need to take this survey? 

We will conduct this survey every year. We hope and encourage you to complete it each time and answer as honestly as possible. Your input will help us to focus our efforts. 

Can I take this survey on my mobile device? 

Yes. The survey works well on any device. 

How were the questions on this survey chosen? 

These questions were pulled from similar surveys sourced from SHRM, LinkedIn, and others. We then collaborated with the Workforce Equity Group, Partner Resources HR, UW Facilities Leadership, and experts provided by POD. The questions were selected with the goal of measuring our progress towards a more equitable and inclusive culture. 

How is this different from the UW Climate Survey? 

The UW Climate Survey is different in a few ways. First, that survey is campus wide. We are focused on UW Facilities. Second, the scope of the Climate survey is both wider and deeper. It asks a lot more questions on more topics and also seeks to go deeper.  

For our survey, we choose not to go so in-depth for two reasons. First, we wanted to keep this survey short so we could conduct it more frequently. This gives us more data points more frequently, so we can make adjustments if the initiatives we are trying do not seem to be working. Second, the UW Climate Survey and other, more in-depth surveys will continue to be conducted in the future. This survey is not meant to displace those other, deeper surveys. 

How long will you continue to conduct this survey? 

We plan to keep conducting this survey until we have solved the underlying issues or until a better method of measuring our progress becomes apparent. 

Will the questions change over time? 

Maybe. We are going to try to stay consistent in asking the same questions over time, in order to accurately measure the same experiences. That being said, this is a living initiative, and if we find a better way of asking a question, we may change it. 

Will the data be split by department? 

No. We are not asking any staff to identify what department they work in as part of the survey, because that could, in theory, be used to infer the identity of individuals.