Past survey results

2021: Survey results

Below are the results from the survey conducted in May 2021.

I am comfortable talking about my background and cultural experiences with my colleagues : 31% Strongly Agree, 35% Agree, 17% Not Sure, 11% Disagree, 6% Strongly Disagree


While at UW Facilities, I am comfortable talking about: 54.5% Job types, 45% Race, 43.4% Gender, 42.9%Sexuality, 38.6% Gender identity, 35.4% None of the above, 34.4% Mental health, 33.3% Disability, 30.7% Religion


I am comfortable talking about my background and cultural experiences with my colleagues : 31% Strongly Agree, 35% Agree, 17% Not Sure, 11% Disagree, 6% Strongly Disagree


I feel included by my: 77.8% colleagues, 65.4% Supervisor, 58.9% Customers, 56.8% Managers, 42.7% Director, 36.8% Assistant Director, 35.7% Direct Reports, 34.1% Executive Leaders


My work is recognized and celebrated: : 24% Strongly Agree, 36% Agree, 14% Not Sure, 17% Disagree, 9% Strongly Disagree


I believe leadership demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs of employees with disabilities: : 18% Strongly Agree, 26% Agree, 36% Not Sure, 9% Disagree, 11% Strongly Disagree


I have heard inappropriate comments or jokes about the following while at UW Facilities: 48.7% None of the above, 31.6% Job types, 28% Race, 27.5% Age, 27.5% Gender, 24.9% Sexual orientation, 20.2% Mental health, 17.1% Religion, 12.4% Disability


I can voice my opinion here without fear of negative consequences: 13% Strongly Agree, 30% Agree, 22% Not Sure, 19% Disagree, 16% Strongly Disagree


I believe UW Facilities does and will take appropriate action in response to incidents of discrimination: 16% Strongly Agree, 32% Agree, 23% Not Sure, 13% Disagree, 16% Strongly Disagree


I feel like I can be my authentic self at UW Facilities: 15% Strongly Agree, 42% Agree, 14% Not Sure, 16% Disagree, 13% Strongly Disagree


Someone I work with closely at UW Facilities cares about me as a person: 38% Strongly Agree, 42% Agree, 16% Not Sure, 3% Disagree, 1% Strongly Disagree


I have witnessed or been the victim of discrimination while at UW Facilities: 33% Yes, 52% No, 15% Not Sure


Did the discrimination you have seen or experienced come from a UW Facilities employee or from someone else on campus: 64% UW Facilities employee, 5% Someone else on campus, 28% Both, 3% Not sure


Are you professional staff or classified staff: 42% professional staff, 45% Classified staff, 13% not sure


What is your gender identity: 36% female, 51% male, 2% Non binary/third gender, 0.5% I prefer to self describe, 11% I prefer not to disclose


How would you describe you gender identity: 1 response


What is your racial identity: 54% white, 11% I prefer not to disclose, 9% Black/African American, 9% Asian, 5% two or more races, 4% Hispanic/Latinio, 4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 3% I prefer to self describe, 1% American Indian/Alaska Native


How would you describe your racial identity: 5 responses


What is you sexual orientation: 69% Heterosexual, 16% I prefer not to disclose, 7% bisexual, 4% Homosexual, 4% I prefer to self describe


How would you self describe your sexual orientation: 43% queer, 14% asexual, 14% fluid, 15% confusing, 14% polyamorous pansexual


Do you have a disability: 81% no, 10% yes, 9% I prefer not to disclose



If you have any thoughts, questions, or ideas regarding the design of this survey, we would love to hear from you! Send your feedback to the Training Center at or to the Workforce Equity Group at