Visitors and children in laboratories and shops


Visitors and Children in University Laboratory and Shops SAFETY 88-4 (Rev. 5/95)


To regulate visits by non-UW Facilities (UWF) staff to shops.


While the University allows and encourages community representatives, members of the public, and students to visit University facilities, visits to UWF shops, because of liability and safety issues, must be under the direct supervision of an authorized UWF staff member, or part of a formally organized “Open House,” guided tour, or supervised educational program which has been scheduled with the management of an UWF department.

More specifically, children are not authorized to visit UWF shops, except as a participant in a formally sponsored tour or educational program, or as the guest and under the supervision of a parent who is an UWF staff member. As a matter of general University policy, children of University students, faculty, and staff members are not authorized to be in shops on either an attended or unattended child care basis. “Children” refers to minors under eighteen years old who are not students or employees of the University.


Responsibility : Action

Role Responsibility
  • Follow visitor policy.
  • Inform employee on visitor policy.
  • Supervise shop access.