Online training links

You may be required to take these or other classes. Check with your supervisor if you are unsure or reach out to the Training Center. 

DO NOT take similarly named courses found on the EH&S website, as they may not qualify for our requirements. Use the links below or check with your supervisor, departmental safety staff, or the Training Center. If you are interested, you may take the non-qualifying EH&S or other courses in addition to the required ones below in order to improve your safety competency. Ask your supervisor before taking additional courses.

Follow the links below to various required online trainings. You can also find many of these by logging directly into Bridge, our Learning Management System (LMS), at

*If you need assistance with translation please work with your supervisor to request translation services.

New employee onboarding

UW Facilities online onboarding

A program designed for our newest team members to help get them up to speed quickly and confidently.

New employees are automatically enrolled in this program and can find it in their learning library within Bridge.

Online safety training

Arc Flash and Electrical Safety Best Practices (NFPA 70E 2021 Edition) / EH&S

Required every 5 years

This is not a substitute for NFPA 70e hands-on training.

Completion of this course does not make you an electrically qualified worker.

The purpose of the NFPA standard 70E (2021 edition) is to provide a standard for safety-related work practices for the construction, maintenance, operation and demolition of electrical systems in the workplace. Vivid's lesson covers awareness-level information for workers who have jobs or assignments that bring them into contact with electrical hazards, such as arc flash and electric shock. Completing this lesson does not designate an employee as an electrically-qualified worker.

Asbestos General Awareness

For professional & office staff only.

This online course will provide general asbestos information, including the health effects of asbestos, building materials that contain asbestos, how to recognize damaged asbestos, what to do if you encounter damaged building materials and whom to contact for assistance.

Back Safety and Injury Prevention / EH&S

Required every 5 years

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize individuals who have physically demanding jobs (e.g. manufacturing, warehouse, hospitality, and trade workers) with the principles of back safety and injury prevention in order to help them reduce or prevent work-related back injuries.

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) for Non-Researchers

Required every year

Not intended for Building Services employees - see the Training Center for more information. 

Note: this course requires completion of a HEP B vaccine form. The link above will take you to that form, and then you will be taken to the course after completing that form.

The goal of this training is to educate employees to minimize their exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Compressed Gas Safety 

Required every 5 years

The purpose of this lesson is to address the hazards inherent in compressed gas and provide best practices for using, moving, and storing compressed gas containers.

Confined Space Entry Awareness

Required every 3 years

Not a substitute for the Confined Space Entry Hands-on requirement.

This lesson educates all general industry employees about the existence of confined spaces, the type of hazardous conditions that can be present in them, and the basic requirements for entry into permit-required confined spaces.

Crystalline Silica Safety Training 

Required every 5 years

Silica safety training online for personnel that may use or disturb material containing crystalline silica.

Driver Safety & Awareness

Required every 2 years

This course gives drivers of UW-owned vehicles awareness of hazards that are specific to the UW driving environment; and the driving safety policies intended to protect them, the public, and the University from harm.

Fire Extinguisher Training Online

Required every year

Not a substitute for the Fire Extinguisher Hands-on requirement.

This is the prerequisite for the “Fire Extinguisher Training - Hands-On” class. This training course will teach you the hazards involved with incipient (early) stage firefighting and the general principles of fire extinguisher use.

Globally Harmonized System for Hazard Communication Online

For professional & office staff.

Not intended for Building Services employees - see the Training Center for more information.

To enable employees to recognize and understand the required elements of their company’s written hazard communication program, including how to identify and evaluate chemical hazards using the GHS international classification of chemical hazards, label elements, and Safety Data Sheets. This lesson does not address the use of labels, markings or other communication methods that are employer or facility-specific and not within the scope of this lesson.

Hearing Conservation

Required every year

This lesson will help you recognize the impact of noise on your hearing, the warning signs of hearing loss, and the noise exposure limits that necessitate hearing protection. This lesson will also introduce you to the types of hearing protectors, including their benefits and proper use, and address your responsibilities in supporting your employer’s hearing conservation program.

Hexavalent Chromium

Required every 5 years

This course helps employees understand the dangers of Hexavalent Chromium exposure and how to work safely.

Ladder Safety Online 

Required every 5 years

Must also complete an instructor led workshop - see your supervisor or the Training Center for scheduling.

The goal of this lesson is to provide awareness-level instruction on ladder hazards, safe use requirements, and best practices for all employees.

Lead Awareness 

Required every 3 years

Not a substitute for the Asbestos < 1% & Lead Work Practice course.

This course provides awareness training to help workers recognize the occupational hazards and health effects of lead exposure, where lead is found, its exposure controls, and the elements of the medical surveillance program and medical removal program.

Outdoor Heat Safety Training 

Required every year

While working outdoors from May through September, you may experience temperatures that may result in heat exposure or heat stroke illness. This course covers the L&I requirements for employees who work outdoors between the months of May through September.

Tractor Safety Training Program 

Required every 5 years

Must also complete a practical session with a subject matter expert - see your supervisor or the Training Center for scheduling.

This program consists of an online module that gives you a general understanding of best practices for safely operating a tractor, and a practical session where you are provided a hands on learning with a subject matter expert with the equipment you use in your work.

Wildfire Smoke Safety 

Required every year

The Wildfire Smoke Safety training has two steps, a training course and an online evaluation. Both must be completed to receive credit for the course.

Wildfire smoke can be a health hazard for the young and old and to those with health issues or more sensitive to the smoke. This training from will cover why it is a hazard, the supervisor’s responsibilities, and the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries new emergency rule (as of July 15, 2022).

UWF Procedure for Sharps & Human Waste Clean Up 

Required once

The Sharps & Human Waste Clean Up training has two steps, a training course and confirmation attestation. Both must be completed to receive credit for the course. The attestation will ask you to affirm that your supervisor has demonstrated the procedure and checked for your understanding.

This training will show you the standard operating procedure for cleaning human waste and handling sharps. Along with the online training, you will be asked to receive a demonstration of the procedure from your supervisor, and to mark within the Bridge system that you have completed that step. Reach out to the Training Center if you or your supervisor have any quesitons about completing that within the Bridge system.


Respirator Training Online / EH&S

Required every year

This training is paired with an in-person Respirator Fit Test. You must have completed the online training for each type of respirator you use. The links to each course are below. Each course includes two modules: introductory information about respirators in general, specific information about a particular respirator type. 

Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Online course:

Half- and Full-Face Respirator Training Online course:

N95 Filtering Facepiece Online course:

*Please note that you must have completed your online training AND your medical clearance prior to the date of your fit test. If you are not medically cleared, you will not be allowed to attend.


Training for hiring managers

Implicit Bias Training for Hiring Managers

Required Once

This course is a foundational, required online training about implicit bias. It is required for all Hiring Managers and anyone who will participate in the hiring process as an interview panelist.

Record Keeping Supports a Fair Hiring Process

Required Once

This course is a foundational, required online training about record keeping as it relates to the hiring process. This course describes the laws, policies, and best practices around the retention and storage of materials related to a recruitment. It is required for all Hiring Managers.

Workday Training for Hiring Managers

Strongly Recommended

This series of courses is designed to help you understand and navigate Workday throughout the hiring process, from position creation to work schedules and onboarding. Please select the "Hire Employee" filter underneath the Business Processes list to find this series. Note: not every course in this series is relevant to all Hiring Managers. Feel free to select the courses that are relevant to you.

Other Required Online Classes

Title IX: Husky Prevention & Response

Required Once

This course is a foundational, required online prevention and response course about sex- and gender-based violence and harassment for all UW staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and student employees.

Ethics for UW Facilities Employees

Required every 3 years

This course helps UW Facilities Employees better understand the unique and sometimes confusing world of ethics when you are a state employee.

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect / UW Facilities

Required Once

This training provides an overview of EO 56 Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect, including definitions of abuse and how to make a report.

Hazing Prevention

Required every year

This course helps UW Facilities employees identify hazing and understand their requirement to report.

Intro to Recycling & Waste Diversion at UW Seattle

Required Once

Learn how to sort everyday items into the right bin on the UW Seattle campus - and how to prevent waste every day!

Intro to Personal Preparedness

Required every 3 years

Learn the fundamentals of being prepared for emergencies.

State Required Procurement Training

Required every 3 years

The WA State Department of Enterprise Services requires certain roles to complete several trainings. This program links you to those external trainings, and asks you to mark them as complete within Bridge when you have finished.