Safety Focus 2024

In 2024, UW Facilities is focusing on a different safety topic for each quarter. These topics were identified from the last five years of UWF Online Accident Reports (OARS):

  • Ergonomic solutions (Q1)
  • Safe driving (Q2)
  • Avoiding slips, trips and falls (Q3)
  • Avoiding contact with objects (Q4)

Each UWF shop or area will implement one initiative in Q1, and then one initiative a month from Q2 to Q4. These can be trainings, completing safety checklists, ergonomics testing or other items. The links below are a starting point for supervisors to develop initiatives for their shop or area. 

Q2: Safe driving

April – Distracted driving/driving safety

Videos that can be shared during your team meetings:

Articles that can be printed and posted on safety bulletin boards or distributed to your workers:

The UW Safe Driving Course is required in order to drive a University vehicle. It’s also a good refresher for those who have previously taken the course:

May – Other modes of transportation


June – Pedestrian safety

L&I Simple Solutions Overwhelmed? Start here!

L&I Ergonomics Idea Bank - Use this tool to find solutions by industry and/or risk factor. It provides access to Industry Guidelines, Success Stories, Tip Sheets and Checklists, Tools and Equipment, L&I Resources, and Other Publications.

Educational materials

Ergonomic evaluation tools

Office and remote office

Working from home offices? Here's some information to help stay comfortable and productive:

UW EH&S ergonomics resources

Other ergonomics resources

Construction and trade content

Materials developed by NIOSH’s Mining Division with potential application for construction:
