Open Enrollment begins Nov. 1 and ends Nov. 30. This is an optional, once-a-year opportunity for PEBB benefits-eligible employees to enroll in or make changes to their health plan elections in Workday. In most cases, you don’t need to do anything.
You DO need to make changes during Open Enrollment if:
You want to make changes to your health plans (including adding or removing dependents from medical or dental plans)
You cover your spouse/partner for benefits AND you’ve received notice that you need to respond that you do or do not owe a $50 monthly Spousal Surcharge Premium.
Need more help? Partner Resources staff are hosting Open Enrollment Drop-In Sessionson Zoom on the following dates to help you make adjustments successfully in Workday:
DEI Survey As we continue to work toward building a more inclusive workplace community, we have launched a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) survey. This survey will help UW Facilities understand where we are currently doing a good job of creating an equitable and inclusive environment and where we can improve. Please take the time to participate.
The survey is secure and anonymous, and it is open through Oct. 28. The survey is accessible from any computer or web-enabled mobile device and available on paper and in multiple languages. It will take most people about 15 minutes to complete. Speak to your supervisor if you'd like to take a paper version. Release time is available.
Distinguished Staff Awards The Distinguished Staff Awards are back! This annual UW-wide program gives five $5,000 awards to staff members — and you can make a nomination! The nomination process is easier than ever and no longer requires supporting letters. The selection committee (which includes two UWF staff members) is looking for individuals and teams that exemplify excellence in collaboration, innovation, impact, DEI and career achievement. Nominees receive a congratulatory letter and recognition at a spring reception, and UWF nominees are also featured on our blog. Nominations are open through Dec. 16.
Combined Fund Drive The Combined Fund Drive is UW’s philanthropic workplace giving program, and it runs through Dec. 2. Since 1984, UW employees have donated nearly $58 million to local, national and international nonprofits. This year, Laura Salish is UWF's Combined Fund Drive coordinator. Look for weekly emails from her about events and opportunities to take part in this impactful program showing the power of the UW community.
Vaccine pop-up clinics
Get your COVID-19 bivalent booster shot at the HUB on Nov. 3 or at Health Sciences on Nov. 4. More information and registration at The Whole U.
U District safety
The UW is working with the city and other partners to improve safety in the U District. Read updates by Interim Vice President for Campus Community Safety Sally Clark from Oct. 4 and Oct. 7.
Welcome Welcome to our newest employees: Mia Abe, Program Coordinator Shop 82, Materials Management; Kainalu Bachiller , Gardener 2 Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction; Blake Byrum, Carpenter Shop 16, Maintenance & Construction; Jack Conness, Program Ops Specialist Fleet, Transportation Services; Alice Fowler, Gardener 2 Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction; Juan Garcia, Custodian Shift Area C, Building Services; Madison Jones, Custodian Shift Area C, Building Services; Omar Longus, Custodian Area C, Building Services; Taylor Price, Custodian Area B, Building Services; Dean Stakkestad, Carpenter Shop 14, Maintenance & Construction.
Promotions Congratulations to Robert Martinez, Control Tech HVAC, CEUO, on his new role.
To read about other employee moves in September, please click here.
More dying birch trees removed
UWF Grounds recently removed 70 dying birch trees from campus. Increasing temperatures are making birch trees across the region vulnerable to a destructive pest.