Open Enrollment (November 1-30) is a once-a-year opportunity for PEBB benefits-eligible employees to enroll in or make changes to their health plan elections in Workday. In most cases, you don’t need to do anything. There are only a few instances in which an employee is required to make changes during this time.
You DO need to make changes during Open Enrollment if:
You want to change your health plan or dental plan, or both. Open enrollment is the only time you will have the opportunity to make this change. (Kaiser subscribers, see important information below.)
You want to add or remove dependents to your medical and/or dental plans.
You cover your spouse/partner for benefits AND you’ve received notice that you need to attest/re-attest (respond) that you do or do not owe a $50 monthly Spousal Surcharge Premium.
You DON'T need to make changes during Open Enrollment if:
You are happy with your current elections and don’t want to make any changes.
Check out our Open Enrollment guide if you are still wondering what, if anything, you need to do during Open Enrollment.
Most Kaiser Permanente plans will see a significant increase in monthly premium rates for 2024. Increases are between $117 to $159 per month for a single subscriber and up to $457 per month for those with a spouse and dependents on their plan. To switch to a different health plan for 2024, you must take action during Open Enrollment.
Need help making changes during Open Enrollment? Partner Resources staff will be available through Zoom to assist you in navigating your way through Workday to make sure adjustments are entered successfully. These are drop-in sessions and no need to sign up.
Please note that we are not authorized to assist with questions specific to benefit plans or provide advice. You will receive a newsletter from the Healthcare Authority (HCA) via mail or email (depending on what you elected), which details benefit changes for 2024.
Learn about benefit changes and your options for 2024
Explore Benefits Fair: The UW Benefits Fairs are returning in-person and are expanding to bring information to employees across our campuses and medical centers. Brought to you by The Whole U, these in-person fairs host a broad spectrum of benefit providers and UW resources.
Online Benefits Fair []: For those who prefer to learn online, the WA State Healthcare Authority is hosting a virtual fair.
Compare Plan Options and Providers: You can also reach out directly to insurance providers ahead of time if you still have questions about whether another plan is right for you or your family.
Distinguished Staff Awards
Make a nomination for the Distinguished Staff Awards, the annual UW-wide program that gives five $5,000 awards to staff members! All nominees receive a congratulatory letter and recognition at a spring reception, and UWF nominees are featured on our blog. Nominations are open through Dec. 15.
Other updates from Partner Resources
UW recommends all staff to go paperless with their W-2s
Online tax documents are more secure than paper tax forms and can be quickly accessed at any time, 24/7. Rather than waiting for your W-2 to be mailed, you can print or download your W-2 as soon as they become available in mid-January.
To make the change in Workday, click on this link and follow the instructions: Opt Out of Paper Tax Forms
Civil Rights Investigation Office The University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) and the Title IX Investigation Office (TIXIO), which are housed together in Compliance and Risk Services, will collectively become the Civil Rights Investigation Office.
This is a name change only; the functions and goal of providing quality and timely investigative services to the University community remain the same.
Whether you’re new to the UW or have proudly worn the purple and gold for years, Campus Community Safety has resources to help you.
Welcome Welcome to our newest employees: Elias Belay, Parking Specialist, Transportation Services; Em Carlson, Program Coordinator Stores, Maintenance & Construction; Gary Eddings, Roofer Shop 18, Maintenance & Construction; Kevin Fuller, Painter Shop 53, Maintenance & Construction; Scott Ginoza, Insulation Worker Shop 17, Maintenance & Construction; Christopher Gorton, Machinery Mechanic Shop 15, Maintenance & Construction; Adam Hayes, Media Maintenance Technician 2 UW Tower, Maintenance & Construction; Gemi Hernandez, Parking Specialist, Transportation Services; Tina Howard, Truck Driver 2 Shuttles, Transportation Services; Cody Orr, Maintenance Mechanic 2 Shop 53, Maintenance & Construction; Alex Ramirez Gutierrez, Mason/Plasterer Shop 14, Maintenance & Construction; Christopher Sparrs, Plumber/Pipe/Steamfitter Shop 17, Maintenance & Construction; Sid Tran, Utility Worker 2, Transportation Services
Promotions Congratulations to the following people on their new roles: Tim Bortvedt, Maintenance Supervisor 2 Shop 34, Maintenance & Construction; Anna Director, Program Coordinator, Transportation Services; Patrick Dodd, Program Coordinator, Transportation Services; Matt Eckess, Maintenance Mechanic 1 Shop 69, CEUO; Vince Rhodes Kaiser, Carpenter Shop 16, Maintenance & Construction; Nick Safka, Electrical Lead Shop 56, Maintenance & Construction
Retirements Lastly, a very sincere thanks to recent retirees Steven Babinec (28 years), Rafeeq Islam (26.5 years) and Seare Zerom (33 years) .
To read about other employee transitions in September, click here.
Dazzling display for Husky fans
New LED lights at Husky Stadium and Alaska Airlines Arena are a win for fans and the environment.