Nine individuals and two teams from UW Facilities were nominated this year for the Distinguished Staff Award, the UW's highest staff honor. We asked them to share their insights about working at the UW and what inspires them. Read their stories.
Save the Date
The summer All-Hands will take place on Thursday, August 17. Look back on last year's summer All-Hands and stay tuned for more details!
Partner Resources updates
Comp time and holiday credit deadline reminder Classified staff can use and accrue comp time through Thursday, June 15. You can also use comp time and holiday credit through Friday, June 30 as long as your leave request is entered and approved in Workday by June 15. Please note: No comp time can be accrued between June 16 through 30 while the payout of comp time is being processed by UWF Payroll.
After June 15, all remaining comp time and holiday credit not used in the month of June will be paid out on the first paycheck in July. Accrual of comp time will resume on July 1.
Holiday Taken Time Off entry deadline for Juneteenth All employees, professional and classified, must enter Holiday Taken Time Off in Workday for the Juneteenth holiday on Monday, June 19 by the close of business on Thursday, June 15 — except if they are scheduled to work on the holiday or if Monday is their scheduled day off. This early entry deadline is needed so that the payroll team can meet the holiday credit entry deadline for the annual payout as well as audit all the entries to ensure no overpayments occur.
Employee recognition Please see the Partner Resources Employee Recognition web page with ideas and the latest updates on how best to reward and recognize your co-workers, employees and staff. Please take a few minutes every day to compliment someone on the work they do, ask them how they are and find out if they need anything to do their work better.
UW Fitness Day
Calling all Dawgs! On Tuesday, May 9, all faculty, staff and students are invited to Husky Stadium for UW Fitness Day, a one-of-a-kind, campus-wide workout celebrating the many ways we move.
'The Danger of a Single Story'
In this powerful TED Talk, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie tells how she found her authentic voice — and warns that hearing only a single story about another person or country risks a critical misunderstanding.
Worker Memorial Day
Join a special online event on Wednesday, April 26 to honor those who died in 2022 from a work-related injury or illness in King County and raise raise awareness about our commitment to safe jobs.
Welcome Welcome to our newest employees: Joshua Distler, Construction Project Manager, Asset Management; Katie Kadwell, Gardener 2 Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction; Luis Ruiz Vargas, Motor Equipment Service Attendant, Transportation Services; Casey Thurman, Trades Helper Shop 41, Maintenance & Construction; Lindsey Trust, Administrative Specialist, Transportation Services.
Promotions Congratulations to the following people on their new roles: Chris Brogan, Senior Computer Specialist, Transportation Services; Raymon Campbell, Plumber/Pipe/Steamfitter Lead Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction; Richard Dean, Heavy Equipment Operator Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction; Don Satko, Maintenance Mechanic Lead Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction.
Retirements Lastly, a very sincere thanks to recent retirees Rufino Isip (27.5 years) and Cindy Wong (26 years).
To read about other employee moves in March, please click here.
Got an idea for the next newsletter? Email Partner Resources at