All UW Facilities employees are invited to an All-Hands event on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at the HUB Ballroom, to hear strategic and unit updates from the executive team and your colleagues. Doors open at 9:30 a.m., with the program starting at 10 a.m., followed by a lunch buffet featuring jerked chicken and tofu, sweet yams, green beans and cornbread. For swing shift staff, there is also an evening All-Hands that day from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the UWF Training Center, featuring a dinner with the same menu. Release time is available.
If you have any photos of colleagues or your work site that you'd like included in the All-Hands slideshow, email them to
Job postings in UWHIRES As of Jan. 1, employers in Washington state must disclose in all job postings the pay range and a general description of all benefits and other compensation to be offered to the hired applicant. This requirement is the result of a change to the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act aimed at improving pay transparency by providing applicants with more information and narrowing pay gaps for women and applicants from underrepresented groups.
While UW already posts pay ranges for classified job postings, professional staff postings will now also include pay range information. Learn more at UW HR.
Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) As of Jan. 1, Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) premium rates have increased for UW personnel whose work is performed in Washington state.
The premium rate for the PFML program will increase from 0.6% to 0.8% of gross wages up to $160,200 of taxable income. As a result, you will see adjustments to your deductions on your Jan. 10 paycheck. You can visit the Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave website to learn more about PFML benefits.
As state-required changes that reduce your take-home pay can impact your personal budget, we hope you will take advantage of resources UW provides to help support you with budgeting and financial planning through UW CareLink and The Whole U. Set up a free and confidential financial consultation with Fidelity, learn about the 300+ discounts available to UW employees, or find additional information and events.
Offerings from the Whole U
Discounted tickets to Husky games Special offer from UW Athletics for UW faculty and staff:
New Year well-being challenge: Dare To Be 2023 Join the Whole U this January for Dare To Be 2023. Many of us begin the new year with ambitious resolutions and expect our lives to change overnight. This program will help you develop small changes that last. There are two ways to participate:
Sign up for the virtual version: You’ll spend eight weeks working towards wellness areas of your choice. Each week you will receive an emailed checklist that includes three tips or actions items.
Look for Dare To Be 2023 posters put up in your worksite. Each one will feature wellness actions you can take.
Get to know The Whole U on Jan. 26, 12 – 1 p.m. Attend this fun and informative presentation to learn what The Whole U has to offer UW faculty and staff and to learn about opportunities to get involved.
Other January events Whether you’re trying to create a budget, want to take a virtual Zumba class or looking to plan for life changes, check out the Whole U's offerings in January.
Welcome Welcome to our newest employees: Aaron Anderson, Project Coordinator, IT; Eugene Callahan, Carpenter Shop 16, Maintenance & Construction; Will Donohoue, Utility Worker 2, Transportation Services; Alexis Espinosa, Custodian Shift Area C, Building Services; Corey Francies, Custodian Shift Area B, Building Services; Almedin Jazvin, Floorlayer Shop 54, Maintenance & Construction; Angela Jones, Business Diversity & Equity Manager, Strategic Sourcing; Amanda Larkin, Organization Development & Recruitment Specialist, Transportation Services; Aileen Ly, Administrative Assistant 3, Materials Management; Ross Parker, Electrician Shop 16, Maintenance & Construction; Vince Rhodes Kaiser, Carpenter Shop 16, Maintenance & Construction; Moises Tizoc, Custodian Shift Area G, Building Services; Cary Westerbeck, Program Ops Specialist, Campus Architecture
Promotions Congratulations to the following people on their new roles: Leigh Kiernan, Construction Coordinator, Maintenance & Construction; Garrett McCulloch, Finance Analyst, Financial Management; Page Russell, Assistant Director of Training, Partner Resources;Katie Savoie, Assistant Director Payroll, Partner Resources; Rob Standifer, Construction Coordinator, Maintenance & Construction; Carlos Uribe-Cardenas, Maintenance Mechanic Lead Shop 54, Maintenance & Construction; Michael Westerberg, Truck Driver 2 Recycling, Building Services; Nathanael Whittaker, Custodian Supervisor 1 Area A, Building Services
Retirements Lastly, a very sincere thanks to recent retirees Roberta Bustamante (18 years), Evalina Romano (34 years) and Nancy Wen (43 years).
To read about other employee moves in November and December, please click here.
Employees who graduate from Stepping Stones to Success receive 6 months of supervisory credit. There are two new cohorts starting in February for M&C/CEUO and BSD. Learn about the experience of last year's graduates.