As of March 28, masks are no longer required indoors in most UW buildings. Masks continue to be recommended, particularly from March 28 through April 8 when many people are returning to campus from travel.
Masks continue to be required, regardless of vaccination status, in all health care settings and on UW shuttles and Rideshare vanpools. Masks are also required for people who have come in close contact with someone who has tested positive with COVID-19. In addition, weekly testing continues to be required for UW staff and students with approved vaccine exemptions.
For questions about how this impacts your team, please reach out to UWF Safety at You can also see the latest updates from EH&S on their website.
New online training for employees
Husky Prevention and Response is an online course that aims to help staff better recognize sex and gender-based violence and harassment, develop strategies for intervening, build confidence in responding with care, become more familiar with the UW support resources, and understand reporting and complaint options.
This course is now part of the UW onboarding requirement for new employees. On April 5, all UW Facilities staff who have not previously completed the training will receive an automated email directing them to take the course within the next 30 days. The course takes about 90 minutes and can be completed one module at a time, with progress saved. If you use a shared computer, please be sure to sign in with your NetID. An alternative course is available for employees concerned the course may be emotionally triggering.
Employees can use and accrue comp time through June 15. No comp time can be accrued from June 16–30 while the payout of comp time is being processed by Facilities Payroll. If an employee’s leave request is entered into Workday and approved by June 15, they can use comp time and holiday credit during the June 16-30 timeframe. After June 15 all remaining comp time and holiday credit not used in the month of June will be paid out on the first paycheck in July. Accrual of comp time will resume on July 1.
Vacation hours cap remains suspended
The UW policy that caps accrued vacation time for classified employees at 240 hours remains suspended due to the COVID pandemic. At some point the state will reinstate this policy. When it does, the forfeiture of excess vacation time off on employees' anniversary dates will resume nine months later.
Welcome Welcome to our newest employees: Angel Gonzalez, Industrial Hygienist 2, Regulated Materials; Charmion Walker, Program Ops Specialist Shop 76, Real Estate; Chris Luong, Truck Driver 2 Shuttles, Transportation Services; Oqubamichael Abrah, Custodian Area B, Building Services.
Promotions Congratulations to the following people on their new roles in UW Facilities: Dara Rinehart, Program Coordinator Fleet Services, Transportation Services; Rodney Jones, Power Plant Operating Engineer 2, Campus Energy, Utilities & Operations; Todd Winkler, Maintenance Supervisor 2 Shop 10, Maintenance & Construction. For a complete list of employee moves, click here.