historic map of UW campus and surrounding highways and bridges
• UW Facilities

Change is coming to Montlake as the next stage of State Route 520 construction starts. Eastside commuters will be most affected, as the closure of the Montlake Freeway Station means that some bus routes will no longer stop in Montlake while other routes will have additional service.

Duckling in Drumheller
• Nancy Gardner
Closeup of cherry blossoms
• Nancy Gardner
UW President Ana Mari Cauce sings praises about this year's DSA nominees
• Nancy Gardner
Willow Hall
• Nancy Gardner
"Making Time" by Brighton McCormick
• Nancy Gardner
Commuters will need to pack patience on trips in and around Seattle beginning Jan. 11, 2019
• Alice Ven
A full bike rack during Ride in the Rain 2019
• Alice Ven
A clear acrylic dispenser affixed to a tiled wall holds individually-wrapped tampons and pads
• Allison Nitch

In June 2017, the Building Services Department (BSD) launched a free menstrual product pilot program on campus in Seattle. Following a successful rollout, the offering is now an established program that provides clear, acrylic dispensers stocked with free individually-packaged pads and tampons within select restrooms across campus.


Lou Cariello, left, listens to a Lean presentation recently in the HUB
• Nancy Gardner

If you spend any time around Lou Cariello, the new vice president of UW Facilities, you’re likely to hear him quote the late great UCLA basketball coach John Wooden: “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”