Facilities DSA nominees celebrate

Twenty-two Facilities employees were among the record number of people from across the University who were nominated for a Distinguished Staff Award this year. They and 170 other nominees were recognized at a special ceremony at the HUB on Feb. 26.
In her opening remarks, UW President Ana Mari Cauce praised the nominees and reminded the audience that “teamwork and collaborations are the threads of the tapestry that bind us all together.” Nominees were then called by name to receive a certificate from campus leaders while excerpts from their nominations were read aloud.
Since 1997, the DSA program has been honoring outstanding classified and professional staff who work in Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma. A selection committee from across the University chooses the winners of the DSA from those nominated. Winners are announced in April.
Two Facilities teams were nominated:
- Customer Care Team: Jennifer Connors, Assistant Director; Tiffany Hu, Customer Care Representative; Leigh Kiernan, Customer Care Representative; Trevor Reite, Program Operations Analyst; Don Skaggs, Customer Care Representative
- Foster School of Business Custodial Team: Custodians: Billy Bagaoisan, Wilford Constantino, Reynard Cruz, Teddy Eleccion, Jeffery Llantada, Kun Won Suh, Fekadu Tewolde, Diana Webber, Leteberhan Zewdie
Eight individual Facilities employees were nominated:
- Mary Jo Blahna, Business Processes and Project Management
- Clayton Brainerd, Analyst, Partner Resources
- Deborah Garrison, Custodian, Building Services Department
- Tiberhe Kifle, Custodian, Building Services Department
- Janelle Ortega-Lieb, Transactions Services Manager, Real Estate
- Sue Son OK Park, Custodian, Building Services Department
- Habte Tesema, Custodian, Building Services Department
- Simon Yu, Truck Driver 2, Transportation Services
We asked nominees to tell us more about themselves and what makes them enjoy their work:
Foster School of Business Custodial Team
Foster School of Business Custodial Team
What helps you work well together as a team?
We practice good communication with each other and management. We’re always willing to help each other out. Also, we make sure to address service requests in a timely manner.
Is there a certain goal you’re all currently working toward in your building?
Our new goal is to service requests within a 24-hour period. As huddle team members, we all agreed to help each other if needed in order to accomplish the goal within any given timeframe.
What motivates your group each day — any words of advice or inspiration to share?
It makes us happy to do a job well done, so we work hard to have everything clean and ready for the day. There’s a sense of satisfaction in that. We are also motivated by the appreciation we receive from our customers and management.
Any additional details that the team would like to mention?
We appreciate the relationships we have with our customers, fellow co-workers and with our area’s custodial management (our manager André Vasquez, and supervisors Roman Ariri and Ed Choe).
Customer Care Team
Customer Care Team
What helps you work well together as a team?
Different personalities, so we each bring a little something to the team. And definitely the open office environment which helps because we can listen in and catch little snippets [of what each other is working on]. It helps us notice a trend if something starts to become a larger issue.
Is there a particular goal you're all currently working toward?
This group really cares about the people they serve. Whether it's our external customers or helping internal staff succeed, [we want] to be helpful. And no matter what that help looks like, everybody here genuinely cares and wants things to be better and improve.
What motivates you as a group each day — any words of advice or inspiration to share?
We have a huddle every morning and that really helps. Because we can all come in and kind of be dragging, especially when the weather is difficult. So the early morning huddle always helps to kind of get us all going and on the same page. We'll have a plan for the week or for certain goals that are kind of out there [and then we] address what issues we need to focus on.
What does this recognition mean to you personally and/or professionally?
It’s nice to see the team get recognized [and] credit for the amount of work that we do. Even on snow days, we all managed to come in to work.
Tell us something that might surprise us about your team.
We all really love food, always bring snacks and our candy bowl is always full. We all have different personalities and that helps us with understanding different customers.
Individual nominations
Individual nominations
What is a favorite aspect of your job or working for the University in general?
Working with trades people and custodians on improving their leadership skills. I teach a set of classes which are aimed at improving interpersonal skills in individuals and that is my favorite part of my job.
What motivates you each day — any words of advice or inspiration to share?
Treating all people with respect and dignity in all that they do.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I like to cook, travel, read, walk and spend time with my two grandchildren.
What is a favorite aspect of your job or working for the University in general?
I have the very good fortune of working on a variety of projects that serve UW Facilities that also require a good deal of cross-departmental collaboration, internally and externally. I have therefore over the years been able to work with other departments across campus to influence how UW can improve its processes.
What motivates you each day — any words of advice or inspiration to share?
The ability to collaborate with colleagues from other areas of UW is particularly satisfying! The payoff of working and achieving accomplishments with others is of great importance to me.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
Before accepting my current position with UW Facilities, I was an international opera singer and was on the road for more than twenty years. I have performed all over the world and enjoyed that adventure very much. I continue to perform regionally, including upcoming performances with Seattle Opera’s production of Rigoletto in August.
What is a favorite part of your job or working for UW in general?
Serving students, staff and visitors in a good way by making wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ - Intellectual House a safe and clean space.
What motivates you every day?
The desire to work hard to make a difference in the lives of those who enter through the doors of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ - Intellectual House.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I like to spend my time outside of work at the IMA and UW Farm volunteering and learning new skills.
What is a favorite part of your job or working for UW in general?
I like the people I work with. I’ve been in the in the Aerospace building for almost seven years now and have built great relationships with building occupants. Due to those relationships, my favorite part is being able to see all of my friends throughout the day. I’ve had the chance to meet people from all over and enjoy the aspect of being able to meet and see so many new people.
What motivates you each day — any words of advice or inspiration to share?
My main motivation is being able to support and provide for my family. Right now, I have a son that is attending college in Ohio. The advice I would give is to just keep your building well-maintained, respect the building’s occupants and everyone will be happy.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I love to do things with my family such going out to eat and shopping. Family is very important to me.
What is a favorite aspect of your job or working for the University in general?
I love the diversity in my work. I am challenged daily and get to continually learn and grow. I manage a wonderful team whose function it is to help with every project that comes into Real Estate. We are the information and process hub of the office. I get to work closely with every person on the Real Estate team which is a bonus since every one of them is a superstar in their own right. My favorite part of my job is problem solving, digging into a process and figuring out why it is broken or how we can make it better.
What motivates you each day—any words of advice or inspiration to share?
Golden Rule, do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Oldie but a goodie. For me this means being present, listening, and going the extra mile in everything you do.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
With my husband, traveling somewhere new. Also cuddling with my dog Daisy, who is the sweetest 50-pound pitbull you will ever meet.
What is a favorite part of your job or working for UW in general?
My favorite part of working for the UW is the friendly, family atmosphere we have in my department (BSD), my team (Work Area C), and the building that I service (UW Police Department). I really appreciate how everyone is very welcoming and helpful. In 2015, I had to take off from work for nearly five months due to a serious illness. I will never forget how much support I received from my department, my co-workers and UW — I’m very thankful for that. I love the University of Washington very much and I am glad to be a part of the community.
What motivates you every day?
I’m motivated by my customers. Every day I walk in to the UWPD, I know that my work is really appreciated; that makes me want to do the best job I can possibly do. Also, support from my department and co-workers motivate me.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
My favorite pastime of all is gardening. I also very much enjoy visiting with my friends and going to the gym.
What is a favorite part of your job or working for UW in general?
I enjoy the feeling of satisfaction I get from knowing everything is clean and ready for the day. Seeing the students happy and productive in spaces I cleaned makes me feel happy! I’ve been working at UW for nearly 28 years, so I like to help new custodial coworkers get familiar with their job responsibilities and offer them advice. I also enjoy helping people find their way in the Health Sciences Building, which can be very confusing if you’re unfamiliar with the layout of the building.
What motivates you every day?
A very busy schedule keeps me motivated. My day on campus starts at 5 a.m. — I like to begin with a clear plan so I can accomplish everything that needs to be taken care of before faculty, staff and students arrive at 8 a.m.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
For many years, I would spend my free time after work taking care of my son and daughter. There were lots of trips to the library, driving my daughter to her volleyball practices, and my son to all of his practices — which always changed depending on the season (football, soccer, etc.). Now that they’re older, there’s more time for some relaxing during the week — like going out to eat and spending time with family. I also attend church every Sunday.
What is a favorite aspect of your job or working for the University in general?
Working with my co-workers, everyone is always nice, like a family. We help each other. Some people just become your friend and bring back souvenirs from their vacations. Besides co-workers I have gotten to know many passengers and hospital patients. They’re all very friendly.
What motivates you as a group each day — any words of advice or inspiration to share?
I like to help people and I've been in the service industry for 30 years. Before I was working as a manager in fast food, so I know how to deal with people.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
When I have spare time, I like to work in the yard or on my car. Once a month, my wife and I join a group of about 50 people who do formal dancing and karaoke in Chinatown.
Allison Nitch and Ina Dash contributed to this article.