Staff updating metal public area bins for MiniMax program.
• Allison Nitch

With the collective support of University of Washington’s campus community, UW will take another step towards achieving its sustainability goal of 70% waste diversion by 2020 through the expansion of MiniMax, UW’s comprehensive waste diversion program. By supporting the growth of the MiniMax program, UW will continue to uphold its reputation as a national leader of sustainability.

Dispenser container stocked with feminine products mounted to tiled wall in restroom
• Allison Nitch

The Building Services Department (BSD) officially launched a pilot program in June providing free feminine products within select restrooms on the University of Washington campus in Seattle.

• Allison Nitch

UW Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) and Building Services Department (BSD) recently partnered up for the Safety & Health Investment Project (also known as the SHIP grant project or Participatory Ergonomics Project). Funded by State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries (L&I), the project team engaged BSD custodians and leadership, UW EH&S leadership, Facilities Services Safety Team, and professional ergonomists in a year-long collaboration.

Jack Nolan shows visitors from UC Riverside the FS Stores Lean idea board
• LuAnn Stokke

Guest post by FS Chief of Staff LuAnn Stokke

They say the best way to learn a foreign language is immersion—spending time in the place and within the culture where that language is spoken daily, and where its citizens conduct their lives using it. This concept of immersion is the mindset of the Vice Chancellor of Administration at University of California-Riverside, Ron Coley. Coley researched Lean and Balanced Scorecard in higher education, learned about UW Facilities Services, and reached out to Charles Kennedy to learn more.

UW President Ana Mari Cauce with the Odegaard Undergraduate Library custodial team.
• Alicia Halberg

For the first-time ever, a sitting University president paid a visit to two Custodial Services teams to learn about their work on process improvements.

“The way that a place looks can make such a difference in so many ways,” said University President Ana Mari Cauce.