FS partners with EH&S
On February 10, three Facilities Services groups (Transportation Services, UW Recycling and Emergency Management) joined more than 70 other booths at Environmental Health & Safety’s first-ever Safety, Sustainability and Preparedness Expo.
Emergency Management’s Siri McLean served on the planning committee for the event.
“Initially EH&S wanted to host a Lab Safety fair, but with more discussion we convinced them to broaden the scope and include preparedness and sustainability, thus creating a larger event with greater interest,” said McLean. “Attendees walked away with a bag full of goodies to start their emergency kits.”
Emergency Management has found an increased interest in preparedness lately after many popular articles about the big one have gone viral.
“UWEM had over 400 people stop by our booth alone. Some were familiar with our department and some didn’t know we existed,” said McLean. “Events like these are a great opportunity for UWEM to get our face out into the community and share the resources we can provide.”
EM’s new seismic resilience program manager Stacie Smith appreciated the opportunity to promote her seismic walkthroughs.
“I had 17 people sign up on the mitigation walkthrough sign-up sheet, all from different departments, including some faculty [which are more difficult to reach],” said Smith. “One woman has already requested that I survey three floors in the building she works in. These 17 sign-ups mean a lot more than 17 people. Each person that signed up is effectively five to 25 people learning about earthquake safety in the workplace, which I think is just awesome!”
Emergency Management wasn’t the only FS department to find the expo a unique outreach opportunity. Transportation Services was excited to test out its new Bike Wheel of Fortune.
“EH&S had approached us last fall about participating in the expo. We thought it would be a great forum for us to talk with people about commuting safely,” said Transportation Services’ Miriam Castro. “I wanted to be able to connect with people in a fun and interactive way, and we brainstormed a cool outreach tool—the Bike Wheel of Fortune. The expo was its inaugural ‘spin’”.
UW Recycling also jumped at the chance to participate, signing up immediately after EH&S invited them as an exhibitor. Program coordinators Erica Bartlett and Liz Gignilliat, Assistant Director Emily Newcomer and Truck Driver Lead David Speed participated in the tabling event, which included fielding questions and hosting the “Wheel of Waste” sustainability quiz game.
Reusable water bottles were awarded to over 100 participants, and even after running out of prizes, people still wanted to test their knowledge and chat about recycling!
“Our team appreciates having the opportunity to communicate directly with UW staff, so the event was extremely valuable. It was great to hear that so many people were excited to have access to composting,” said Gignilliat. “Also, people were curious about the technical/more complicated aspects of recycling, so our “Tricky Ten” poster received a lot of attention. Everyone that visited our table really knew their stuff when it comes to recycling and composting, but we tried to make sure everyone learned something new!”